Why I'm NOT Going to NY Fashion Week



Usually at this time, fashion bloggers are fully heads down in planning mode for one of the biggest industry events of the year - New York Fashion Week. Several months ago, I counted myself as one of those who would be securing my show schedule for the week of Sept 7 to 15th in the Big Apple.

I’ve decided I’m not going.

Why, you ask? Especially since I expressed a desire a few months ago to change things up a bit from having gone to Paris Fashion Week annually for the last five years. This September would have been my first time at New York Fashion Week, in a city I’m so familiar with and love so much.

Well, because I decided to prioritize. I strongly define myself as a business woman - and my career in communications will always be my second biggest priority (behind my family) because it has generated the biggest impact and value to my stakeholders. Hard work absolutely pays off, and particularly if you’re in tech. And on that note, I recently landed a new job at the software company where I work and it’s a big one - and dare I say the most exciting role I’ve accepted in recent memory. Although I officially start mid-August, I’m already starting my ramp up and just itching to get going. I can’t remember the last time I was this excited. And before I start, I still get to take another week’s vacation with my family before the craziness begins. How awesome is that? 

Since I’m off to vacation with family in August, it doesn’t make sense (nor is it fair for my employer) to blow off another week in September to New York. Fashion Week will always be there, but this job is an opportunity of a lifetime. Need I say more?

My blog will always be important to me as it’s my sole outlet for creativity, catharsis and showcasing my individuality. Lately, however, I’ve been feeling very jaded about the fashion (and sometimes lifestyle) blogging industry. I’ll write more about these feelings in a future post but perhaps some of you can relate - it’s become such a rat race at times, so ubiquitous and the challenge to make yourself stand out among a sea of similar voices is exhausting. And to what end? What is the goal of what we’re all trying to do? Like any industry, there are also the ugly sides to this world and it can be a challenge to remain grounded and pragmatic. Since blogging is an outlet and only a hobby I’m often able to compartmentalize my life and stay focused on the bigger priorities in life. I also thank my tribe; we help keep each other remain grounded while loving and supporting one another in every endeavour - in our blogging lives and outside of it. I promise to write more about this in a future post.

Over the next year, I will be travelling a fair amount internationally for work. Hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to capture some of my more interesting travels on Instagram and share as much as I can on the blog. Now more than ever, I will need to think about how to balance my work and personal life. The challenge will be even greater but I’m looking forward to these discoveries and hope that you can come along for the ride. I know I will be tripping and falling as I go but hopefully come out a more enlightened individual.